DIY Brightening Face Mask

We all know great makeup application begins with great skincare…

Today I am going to share one of my self-discovered and most favourite DIY face masks. I ‘formulated’ this after staring at a mountain of grapefruit peels I created after devouring my favourite fruit.

Inspired by the Body Shop’s newest Vitamin C Range, I knew that citrus fruits are so jam-packed with goodness that my skin could really benefit from. Off I went and made a face mask.


½ Grapefruit 

¼ Lemon

Chickpea Flour (as per your own discretion)

  1. lemonSlice the grapefruit into two quarters and put it into a blender or food processor with the peel
  2. Add the 1/4 lemon as well with the peel, whilst remembering to take out the seeds.
  3. Blitz away until it is all blended
  4. Add chickpea flour to the blended mixture to give it a pasty consistency. Add this at your own discretion.
  5. LGARYou should end up with baby pink paste.
  6. Leave on for a minimum of 20 minutes 

You will notice an instant brightness and glow on your skin! You might experience slight redness or a slight tingling sensation if you have sensitive skin but this is short-lived.

You can store this mask in the fridge for a maximum of one week but be sure to seal it in an airtight container or cover it adequately with foil or cling wrap. 

Makeup Maverick Tip: the coldest place in the fridge is at the back of shelves so make sure to keep any DIYs there!

Why Grapefruit?

253.jpgGrapefruit is more of an overachiever than we thought. This wonder fruit is filled with nutrients that brighten, protect, and nourish the skin.


Pink grapefruit is rich in beta-carotene, which is an awesome antioxidant. It contains vitamin A, which is essential for slowing the ageing process.


Grapefruit also has lycopene, causing the red colour, which is known to reduce inflammation and prevent cell mutation from the sun.


Additionally, it contains B vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, copper, and phosphorus, which are all amazing for the lymphatic system.


Finally, grapefruit is a natural source of salicylic acid, which will keep the pores clean and heal breakouts.


The significance of the other ingredients:



The natural acids of lemon gently remove dead skin cells and lighten age spots, unwanted freckles and clear facial discolourations. The acidity content absorbs the oiliness and cleans the pores without stripping the skin of its natural oil balance.

Chickpea Flour 


Chickpea flour has several known benefits, namely:

  • Removing an unwanted tan
  • Reduce oiliness
  • Fight pimples
  • Skin brightening



I hope you found this useful and let me know what you think of this mask in the comments below!

Disclaimer: be sure to do a patch test before attempting to try out this DIY. 
Lemon juice is acidic and its application can dry out your skin, so moisturize your skin after its use.
If irritation, redness or dryness occurs then reduce the lemon required or discontinue its use on your skin.
Don’t apply the mask to the areas having open cuts, bruises, or wounds. The acid in the lemon juice will sting. Should this happen, wash the area with cool water.

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